Although any driver would say that accidents are rare and happen only once in a few years, they happen every day somewhere in Georgia. There are few days in which there isn’t at least one motor vehicle fatality somewhere in the Peach State.
Most accidents are minor and do not involve injuries. Even when they do, these incidents are generally not criminal acts over which police or the attorney general in Atlanta file charges. But liability for the damage or injury caused by accidents may not be the same as criminal charges.
Georgia State Police believe an eight-year-old girl ended up in critical condition after a driver crossed the highway divider, struck a car and slammed head-on into the car in which she was riding. The driver of the car also suffered two broken legs in the accident.
The victims of the accident say they are still waiting to hear why the driver crossed into opposing traffic as the police are continuing their investigation. The attorney representing the victims implied that the driver was clearly at fault and may face claims for financial damages.
Money can never make up for the pain and emotional distress that people can feel after a car accident. But the monetary damages that can come from lawsuits in civil court can be invaluable in the time spent during recovery.
An attorney can be a valuable ally to the victims of motor vehicle accidents or the survivors of people killed in collisions. Legal representation can be very helpful in some of the worst times people can face.