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An Atlanta widow sues the Braves for her husband’s death

On Behalf of | Jun 28, 2019 | Workers' Compensation, Wrongful Death |

A beer tap inventor’s widow filed a wrongful death lawsuit against the Atlanta Braves in Fulton County State Court on June 21. In her filing, she accused the ball club of being negligent in maintaining the door latch on one of their coolers. She alleges that their negligence resulted in his premature death.

In her filing, the Georgia widow outlined how her husband suffered carbon monoxide poisoning and ultimately suffered head trauma on June 26, 2018. She chronicled how her husband had been installing beer taps in coolers at SunTrust Park, the Braves’ home field that day. She notes that he became trapped in one of them and died there.

The 48-year-old apparently tried to get out of the cooler but was unable to do so. She notes that she believes this was due to how the door’s latch was constructed. In her filing, the man’s widow notes that the issue with the latch was called to the Braves’ attention on various occasions since the stadium first opened on March 31, 2017. It doesn’t appear that they ever did anything to remedy the situation though.

In the filing, the widow also detailed how the various construction companies involved in building the ball field were made aware of the carbon dioxide leaks in the coolers. It appears that no one ever addressed these, however. No one with the Braves organization took time to install a carbon dioxide alarm in Cooler 331 where the inventor died, either.

The widow notes that her husband likely was overcome quickly by the carbon dioxide fumes as he tried to wrap up his installation of the taps. She notes that he probably became disoriented, collapsed, and soon after bumped his head.

It’s the responsibility of property owners to keep their equipment in good repair and to make sure that their premises are as safe as possible. If they’ve been warned about a problem and have failed to take action to correct it, then they can be held negligent for their actions. A wrongful death attorney who is experienced in handling such cases can help you file suit in your own case if a loved one has been killed.