Although most motorists recognize that cyclists have the same rights on the road as cars and trucks, there are still times when drivers get upset over sharing the road with bicycles. Road rage is common on the road, usually due to stress, frustration and anger on the part of the driver. While cyclists cannot control other drivers, they can certainly do their part to promote peace on the road. Not only will you avoid accidents when you drive defensively, you will have the safest ride possible.
While cyclists cannot control other drivers, they can certainly do their part to promote peace on the road. Not only will you avoid accidents when you drive defensively, but you will also have the safest ride possible.
- Drive your bicycle and obey the rules of the road. Your bike is considered a vehicle in the eyes of the law. Be as vigilant on your bike as you would be if you were driving your car.
- Use signals to make sure other drivers know your intentions. Smile at other drivers. Wave. Make sure they see you.
- Pass on the left, as you would if you were in a car. Use the bike lane when available. Be courteous.
- Wear bright clothing and use reflectors to be as visible as possible. You need to stand out. Ride in pairs or groups for added safety, but never ride more than two bikes next to each other.
- When a driver does seem impatient, give the benefit of the doubt. Let the driver get around you. It does nothing for your mood to be passive-aggressive on the road.
- Do not confront another driver no matter who is driving what. If you are a victim of road rage, call 911 immediately and let the authorities handle the situation.
The number of bicycle fatalities in Georgia has gone down over the years, but bicycle accidents frequently occur. If you suffer an injury in a bicycle accident, it would be beneficial to your case to speak to an attorney before settling with the insurance company to make sure you have the best possible outcome for your situation.