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Georgia salvage yard accident results in 1 worker fatality

On Behalf of | Aug 8, 2018 | Workers' Compensation |

A salvage yard worker suffered fatal injuries when a truck fell on him in Clayton County. The 31-year-old worker was reportedly removing an automotive part from beneath a pickup truck when the weight of the truck shifted and the entire vehicle fell and crushed him. Tragically, there was nothing that could be done to save the victim. Emergency responders found the man dead at the accident scene.

The deceased worker was discovered by a customer who entered the Southern Auto Salvage Company. As soon as he saw the accident scene, the customer knew that something was wrong. “It’s a bad situation,” the customer said. “I’m sad for that family.”

After investigating the incident, local police said that they do not suspect any foul play involved in the accident. Furthermore, police do not plan to file charges against anyone relating to the incident.

It was not reported how long the worker was employed by Southern Auto Salvage. The manager of the facility was not available to provide any comment regarding the catastrophe.

In most cases that involve a worker who is fatally injured while performing their job duties, the worker will be covered by workers’ compensation insurance. In these situations, it’s important for the immediate family members and financial dependents of the deceased worker to know that workers’ compensation insurance includes death benefits coverage. By filing a claim for death benefits, surviving financial dependents may be able to receive financial compensation to help pay for end of life expenses and other living costs in the wake of losing their loved one.